Wednesday 15 May 2013


Visualisation program - week no 1.

I believe that in essential oils there is a great power that are now aware of.
I am constantly looking for new ways of making my life easier, lighter and more beautiful.

Last week ended with creation of my new aromatherapy program: Art and Aroma Visualisation with aromatherapy.

There are three steps: Cleaning up, Enhancing your spirituality and Being here in beauty.
Every stage lasts for one week and starts with meditation using Art and Aroma body oils.

Week no 1.

First visualisation helps to clean any energy blocks and obstacles, using the power of eucalyptus essential oil, lemon essential oil and camphor. Those three oils are powerful in any rituals of cleaning and purifying.

As all used essential oils are connected to the element of water, therefore drinking water is very important during process. Water is also helpful with removing toxins from the body. In this way we are working on both physical and spiritual level.

The scent is very refreshing and cooling, with lemon notes and strong aroma.

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Comfort from flowers for women

Comforting oil has been created by me mostly for women.

It is a challenge to be a woman. Most of us try to be a good woman, worker, lover, mother, wife, all at the same time. Not easy, right? In addition, our lives are ruled by hormonal circle; mood is raising and falling over and over.

To give ourselves safety, stability and comfort I have created body oil – Comforting oil.
It is a blend of two beautiful flowers: herbal lavender and rosy geranium.
Lavender brings balance and peace to your life, let your mind to calm down and start thinking clearly. Geranium is amazing if you want to feel safe and protected.
The blend is not only beautiful but also very feminine. It can be used with visualisation, massage or bath.

Find a time for yourself, stand or sit comfortably and put a little bit of oil on your neck and wrist. Let the fragrance and energy of peace and comfort surround you.

Important: this oil is suitable for pregnant women!